Hortatory Exposition: Pengertian, Struktur, dan Contoh Kalimat

By Niken Bestari, Sabtu, 1 Oktober 2022 | 07:00 WIB
Penjelasan lengkap mengenai hortatory exposition text dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. (Freepik)

Most people believe that reading is a very important. There are many benefits of reading. What are they?

First, reading can gives us knowledge about many things in the world such as Science, technology. Sports, arts, culture, etc written in either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.

Second, reading makes us know a lot of news and information about something happening in any parts of the world?

Reading also give us pleasure. When we are tired, we read books, newspaper or magazine on the entertainment column such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc, to make us relaxed.

It is obvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge, information and also entertainment.

However, Not all of us love reading. Here are the steps how we should do to love reading:

1. Identify what kind of reading material we want to enjoy. People enjoy different kinds of reading.

2. Try a variety of books and series of the reading materials.

3. Go to your local library. We can try out as many books as we would like for free.

4. Create a good reading environment. Find a place that is quiet, well-lit, and comfortable. Even some people love reading while listening to music.

Baca Juga: Explanation Text: Pengertian, Generic Structure, dan Contohnya



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