Salah satu tema yang sering dibahas adalah tema pandemi COVID-19.
Tema ini juga bisa kita tulis dalam analytical exposition text.
Berikut ini adalah contoh analytical exposition text mengenai pandemi COVID-19.
Example 1 : The Importance of Wearing a Mask during Pandemic
The issue of wearing face coverings in public comes up frequently these days. A common sentiment is, “If I am not personally at high risk for COVID-19, why should I wear a mask?” I suspect this is why I see so many people in public places who are not covering their nose and mouth.
The CDC has recommended “wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.”
The reason for this is that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread even before symptoms appear, by such things as coughing, sneezing, or even speaking at close range, study finds.
Cloth face coverings have been recommended due to their low cost and ready availability.
By using cloth face coverings, it preserves surgical masks and N-95 masks for healthcare workers who may be involved in direct care of patients with COVID-19.
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