- Apakah teman-teman sedang mencari contoh kalimat passive voice dalam simple future tense?
Perlu diingat kembali, passive voice merupakan suatu kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai suatu pekerjaan.
Nah, kalau dalam bahasa Indonesia, umumnya penggunaan kata kerjanya diawali dengan awalan "-ter-" atau "di-".
Berikut ini adalah rumus passive voice simple future tense beserta contoh kalimatnya masing-masing.
a. Passive Voice Simple Future Positif
Rumus: Subjek + will/shall + be + Verb III.
Contoh kalimat:
- You will be given a writing assignment in Japanese tomorrow.
- We will be asked to show our identification by security officer.
- I will be surprised if she remembers my name.
- They will be served by Javanese cuisine when they arrived.
Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Simple Present Tense dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya
- Lila will be lectured by her parents about her school performance.
- She will be annoyed if I bring Lucas to her party.
- Later, we will be given a school task to do.
- The doll will be given to her daughters.
- The dress will be bought by a new customer.
- The wedding ceremony will be began in 5 minutes.
b. Passive Voice Simple Future Negatif
Rumus: Subjek + will/shall + not + be + Verb III.
Contoh kalimat:
- They will not be met by him next Sunday at the office.
- The crops shall not be harvested by the farmers next month.
Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Active Voice dan Passive Voice dalam Rumus Present Continuous Tense
- The dress shall not be washed using a washing machine.
- The laptop shall not be put in the rough surface.
- Mia will not be invited to Nilam's party.
- She will not called by him.
- We will not received a call from the office during the weekend.
- Sara will not helped by Mother to finish her homework.
- Aliyah shall not granted a scholarship because she was a rich girl.
- The movie will not be released until next year.
b. Passive Voice Simple Future Tanya
Rumus: Will/shall + subjek + be + Verb III ?
Contoh kalimat:
Baca Juga: Contoh Kalimat Active dan Passive Voice dalam Simple Present Tense
- Will she be invited to your party?
- Will we be helped during the test?
- Shall the dress be washed by hands?
- Shall the car be repaired?
- Will you be surprised if I do that too?
- Will Eleanor be assisted in her first day of job?
- Will the book be bought by someone?
- Shall the tiled floor be cleaned using this liquid?
- Will the cat be adopted by cat lovers?
- Will Tom be called by Hannah tonight?
Teman-teman, itulah contoh kalimat passive voice simple future tense.
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Task 2: Change Active Sentence to Passive Sentence, Kurikulum Merdeka
Kuis! |
Apa rumus passive voice simple future tense pola positif? |
Petunjuk: cek di halaman 1! |
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