15 Contoh Conjunction atau Kata Hubung dalam Teks Formal Beserta Artinya

By Niken Bestari, Kamis, 9 Februari 2023 | 07:30 WIB
Apa saja contoh conjuction atau kata hubung bahasa Inggris yang umum digunakan? Kita bahas bersama-sama, yuk! (Freepik)

Contoh: We've played better since you joined the team.

11. Not only ... but also = Tidak hanya ... tapi juga

Contoh: Not only does the new teacher speak French, but he also speaks Spanish.

12. Either ... or = Baik ... or ATAU Entah ... atau

Contoh: I've saved some money to buy either a DVD player or an MP3 player.

13. Until = Sampai

Contoh: Stir the dough until it forms a ball.

14. If = Jika

Contoh: If Sally is late again I will be mad.

15. So = Jadi

Contoh: Today is Sunday, so the school is closed.

Baca Juga: Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris dengan Menggunakan Conjunction