Instruction Text: Penjelasan, Tujuan, Ciri-Ciri, Struktur, dan Contoh

By Niken Bestari, Selasa, 14 Maret 2023 | 11:30 WIB
Apa itu instruction text dalam bahasa Inggris? KIta pelajari instruction text meliputi penjelasan, tujuan, ciri-ciri, struktur, dan contohnya berikut! (Freepik)

- Stay in the cover position until the shaking stops. Hold on to the desk or table if possible.

- After the shaking stops, evacuate the building immediately.

- Do not use elevators.

- Follow the emergency evacuation signs and exit the building through the nearest emergency exit. Be aware of fallen debris or damaged structures.

- Move away from the building and find an open space, preferably away from trees, power lines, or other potential hazards.

- Once you are in a safe location, wait for further instructions from authorities or emergency personnel.

- If you are trapped in debris, try to make noise to alert rescue personnel.

- Do not move around unless absolutely necessary to avoid further injuries!

Important to remember to remain calm and follow these instructions carefully.

Be prepared to take care of yourself and your loved ones until help arrives.

Nah, itulah penjelasan terkait dengan instruction text atau teks instruksi. Semoga membantu, ya! 

Baca Juga: News Item Text: Penjelasan, Struktur, Tujuan, Ciri-Ciri, dan Contoh



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