20 Contoh Active Sentences dan Passive Sentences, Materi Kelas 6 SD

By Grace Eirin, Jumat, 21 Juni 2024 | 11:00 WIB
Belajar membuat active dan passive senteces dalam bahasa Inggris. (Nothing Ahead/pexels)

5. My dog ate the biscuits. 

6. Leah is student from Italy. 

7. Irene adores my art. 

8. The police are going to investigate them. 

9. Rere released the article last night. 

10. Mr. Richard knew them before. 

Passive Senteces

Berikut ini beberapa contoh passive sentences dalam bahasa Inggris. 

1. Pizza was eaten by me. 

2. A cup of tea was made by mother. 

3. The ball was kicked by Leo. 

4. The record is going to be chased by me. 

Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Kalimat Pujian dalam Bahasa Inggris Selain 'Good Job!'