20 Contoh Active Sentences dan Passive Sentences, Materi Kelas 6 SD

By Grace Eirin, Jumat, 21 Juni 2024 | 11:00 WIB
Belajar membuat active dan passive senteces dalam bahasa Inggris. (Nothing Ahead/pexels)

5. The biscuits are eaten by my dog.

6. The student from Italy was Leah. 

7. My art is adored by Irene. 

8. They are going to be investigated by the police.

9. The article was released by Rere last night. 

10. They are known by Mr. Richard before. 



Apakah hubungan kalimat aktif dan pasif?

Petunjuk: cek di halaman 1!

Lihat juga video ini, yuk!


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