My cat belongs to the American Shorthair breed so it has short and soft fur. Tom has a petite body and a very cute face.
(Ini kucing kesayanganku, namanya Tom. Saya merawatnya sejak dia masih anak kucing ketika saya membelinya di toko hewan peliharaan. Tom saat ini berusia 5 bulan.
Kucing saya termasuk ras American Shorthair sehingga memiliki bulu yang pendek dan lembut. Tom memiliki tubuh yang mungil dan wajah yang sangat imut.)
- Description
Tom grew into a very healthy cat because he always eats regularly so that his body continues to grow. He has a very beautiful long brown fur, the fur is also very soft and very comfortable to touch. Tom has black eyes with sharp pupils when outdoors.
His eyes will look very cute when he is in the room because his pupils will turn big so he will look like a spoiled and obedient cat.
Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Descriptive Text: Describing Animals
(Tom tumbuh menjadi kucing yang sangat sehat karena ia selalu makan secara teratur agar tubuhnya terus tumbuh. Ia memiliki bulu cokelat panjang yang sangat indah, bulunya juga sangat lembut dan sangat nyaman untuk disentuh. Tom memiliki mata hitam dengan pupil yang tajam saat berada di luar ruangan.
Matanya akan terlihat sangat imut saat berada di dalam ruangan karena pupil matanya akan membesar sehingga ia akan terlihat seperti kucing manja dan penurut.)
2. Contoh II Descriptive Text
- Identification
Panda is one of the mammals with a large size that is liked by many people.Some of the main characteristics of this animal are its large shape and the combination of black and white colors on its body. The panda is a native animal from China that belongs to the bear family.
Penjelasan Lengkap Sifat Stratifikasi Sosial: Starfikasi Sosial Terbuka, Tertutup, dan Campuran
Source | : | Cambridge Dictionary,Animal Planet |
Penulis | : | Niken Bestari |
Editor | : | Sarah Nafisah |