Contoh Teks Folktales
Example 1: The Legend of Toba Lake
There once lived a poor farmer named Toba in one village of North Sumatera. One day, he went fishing. Luckily, he got a beautiful goldfish. He carried it home then planned to cook it. When he got home, the fish turned into a beautiful woman.
The woman told him that she was cursed and asked Toba to keep it as a secret. Toba agreed only with one condition that she would marry him. Then they got married had one child named Samosir. This boy liked to eat much food.
One day, the mother asked Samosir to bring lunch to his father who worked in the rice field. On the way to rice field, he stopped and ate most of his father's lunch.
Toba was very angry and shouted at Samosir “You, a child of a fish! You are so greedy!” Samosir cried and ran toward his mother. He asked mother why father called him a child of a fish.
The woman was really upset that Toba broke his promise. The mother's anger causing springs appeared and soon made a vast lake. The lake is called Toba Lake. A island in the middle of Toba Lake is called Samosir Island.
Kisah Danau Toba
Dahulu kala hiduplah seorang petani miskin bernama Toba di salah satu desa di Sumatera Utara. Suatu hari, dia pergi memancing. Beruntung, ia mendapat ikan mas yang cantik. Dia membawanya pulang kemudian berencana untuk memasaknya. Sesampainya di rumah, ikan itu berubah menjadi wanita cantik.
Wanita itu mengatakan kepadanya bahwa dia dikutuk dan meminta Toba untuk merahasiakannya. Toba setuju hanya dengan satu syarat bahwa dia akan menikah dengannya. Kemudian mereka menikah memiliki satu anak bernama Samosir. Anak ini suka makan banyak.
Suatu hari, sang ibu meminta Samosir untuk membawakan makan siang untuk ayahnya yang bekerja di sawah. Dalam perjalanan ke sawah, dia berhenti dan makan sebagian besar makan siang ayahnya.
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Source | : |,Bobo |
Penulis | : | Niken Bestari |
Editor | : | Iveta Rahmalia |