- Sedang mencari contoh teks deskriptif tentang orang lain atau descriptive text about other people?
Teman-teman sejak di bangku SMP akan belajar mengenai teks deskriptif atau descriptive text.
Pengertian descriptive text adalah teks yang bertujuan menjelaskan, menggambarkan, atau mendeskripsikan sesuatu.
Ciri-ciri descriptive text adalah penggunaan easy tense (tense sehari-hari yang sederhana) dan fokus pada satu objek saja untuk dideskripsikan.
Struktur Descriptive Text
Berikut ini adalah struktur descriptive text:
1. Identification
Identification (identifikasi) adalah pendahuluan, berupa gambaran umum tentang suatu topik.
2. Description
Description (deskripsi) adalah berisi ciri-ciri khusus dan spesifik yang dimiliki benda, tempat, atau bagaimana suatu benda dideskripsikan.
Misalnya sifat-sifat, tampilan fisik, dan hal lain yang kemudian dituliskan dengan spesifik.
Baca Juga: 3 Contoh Teks Deskripsi atau Descriptive Text Tentang Orang Lain
Dalam mempelajari descriptive text, kita akan belajar mendeskripsikan orang lain atau describing other people dan mendeskripsikan benda atau describing things.
Untuk lebih memahami tentang describing other people, kita simak lima contoh descriptive text about other people di bawah ini, ya.
Contoh Descriptive Text About Other People
Example 1: My Best Friend
I have a best friend. Her name is Dewi.
Dewi is a 12 years old and sixth grade student. She is very kind and cute.
Dewi has short black hair, fair skin, and slanted eyes. She is taller than me.
She has a mole under her left eyes and in her chin.
Dewi is very funny, cheerful, and likes to tell a joke.
Example 2: My Teacher
Mrs. Tini is my teacher. She is a Science teacher and our homeroom teacher.
Baca Juga: Hortatory Eyposition: Pengertian, Struktur, dan Contoh Kalimat
As a teacher, Mrs. Tini is a very dilligent woman. She teaches us to do everything on time.
She does not like when students eat or drink during her class.
Mrs. Tini is a strict person, but everyone loves her!
She is very responsible, kind, and helpful person to her students.
Example 3: My Grandmother
My grandmother is turning 86 years old this year. She is the mother of my father.
My grandmother is old, but she still healthy and strong.
She goes for a walk every morning with my mother.
To keep healthy, my grandmother eats many vegetables and fruits.
She also a talented person. She can sew to make a beautiful clothes.
During her free time, she reads and cooks healthy meal for me and my family.
Baca Juga: Review Text: Penjelasan, Generic Structure, dan Contoh Teksnya
Example 4: Mrs. Saraswati
My new neighbor is Mrs. Saraswati. She moves in this neighboorhood two weeks ago.
Mrs. Saraswati works in a bank, she is a banker. Turns out, my mother and Mrs. Saraswati were old friends.
Mrs. Saraswati is a beautiful woman. She is also kind and caring. She likes to bake cake when she has a free time on the weekend.
In one week, Mrs. Saraswati will be married. Now, me and my mother are looking for wedding gift for her.
Example 5: Mr. Bambang
My headmaster is Mr. Bambang. Many students are afraid of Mr. Bambang in the first impression.
He has tall and big body. He has mustache and beard, that makes him looks scary.
But, Mr. Bambang is actually a funny person. He likes to tell jokes and funny stories.
Mr. Bambang also a caring and helpful person. He is also very responsible with his job.
Although his appearence is scary, Mr. Bambang's personality is very friendly.
Baca Juga: News Item Text: Penjelasan, Generic Structure, dan Contohnya
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Penulis | : | Niken Bestari |
Editor | : | Iveta Rahmalia |