- Mempelajari bahasa Inggris, kita juga pasti belajar banyak ungkapan, salah satunya ungkapan perasaan atau expression of feelings.
Salah satu materi expression of feelings yang penting adalah ungkapan kasih sayang dan kesedihan atau expressing love and sadness. Apa saja contoh kalimat expressing love and sadness yang harus kita pelajari? Simak contoh kalimat dan dialognya berikut ini, ya!
Contoh Kalimat Expressing Love
I love you. (Aku menyayangimu.)
I adore you. (Aku mengagumimu.)
I love you from the bottom of my heart. (Aku menyayangimu dari lubuk hati yang terdalam.)
You mean so much to me. (Kamu sangat berarti untukku.)
You are the apple of my eye. (Idiom: Kamu adalah orang yang sangat berharga.)
Contoh Dialog Expressing Love
Mary: Happy Mothers' Day, Mama. Look what I got for you!
Mother: A flower bucket! Thank you, darling!
Baca Juga: Contoh Kalimat Ekspresi Kesopanan atau Expressing Politeness
Mary: I love you, Mother! You mean so much to me.
Mother: Thank you so much, sweetheart. I love you too.
Mary: Do you like the flowers?
Mother: Of course, I love it! This is beautiful. Thank you so much!
Contoh Kalimat Expressing Sadness
I'm sad. (Aku sedih.)
I'm feeling blue. (Aku merasa sedih/galau.)
I can't hold my tears. (Aku tidak bisa menahan air mataku.)
I'm not in a good mood. (Suasana hatiku sedang tidak baik.)
I'm feeling down about... (Aku merasa kecewa karena...)
I'm upset about... (Aku marah/sedih karena...)
Baca Juga: Contoh Kalimat Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure dalam Bahasa Inggris
Contoh Dialog Expressing Sadness
Intan: Nadine, why are so pale? Are you sick?
Nadine: No. I'm just sad.
Intan: Oh, no. What's wrong? You can tell me.
Nadine: My cat just died yesterday. She was 10 years old and I feel I lost one of my friend.
Intan: Oh, no... I am so sorry. You must be feel really upset.
Nadine: I am. I can't hold my tears everytime I remember her.
Intan: Your cat is in a better place right now. Do you want to take a walk to the park to cheer yourself?
Nadine: Thank you. But, I'm not in the good mood. Can I go home? I will call you tomorrow.
Intan: Yes, of course. Don't forget to take a good rest.
Teman-teman, itulah contoh kalimat dan dialog expressing love and sadness.
Baca Juga: Contoh Dialog Ekspresi Lega Bahasa Inggris atau Expressing Relief
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Apa arti idiom you are the apple of my eye? |
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Source | : | Oxford Dictionaries, |
Penulis | : | Niken Bestari |
Editor | : | Sarah Nafisah |