3. Resolution (Penyelesaikan masalah)
Bagian ini adalah akhir dari cerita atau berupa solusi dari masalah yang terjadi. Masalah dapat diselesaikan dapat menjadi lebih baik atau malah lebih buruk yang nantinya akan membuat cerita berakhir dengan bahagia atau sebaliknya.
4. Re-orientation (Reorientasi)
Bagian ini adalah penutup narrative text apabila resolusi belum bisa menutup cerita berupa penyampaian pesan moral.
Pada halaman 167, kita akan mempraktikkan narrative text, di soal Writing Task 3 di halaman 167.
Jawaban Writing Task 3
Task 3: This is the beginning part of a story about Kanchil. The text is not written properly. Edit the 15 words in the text so that the story makes sense.
Kanchil, the small and clever mousedear, had many enemies in the forest. Fortunately, he was quick-witted, so that evry time his life was threatened, he managed to escape.
One of his greatest enemies was Crocodile, who lived in the river that bordered the forest. many times Crocodile had tryed to capture Kanchil. Crocodile was big, but he was not very clever. Kanchil was abel to trick him every time.
One day it was very hot. There was no wind at all to refresh the thirsty plants and tres of the forest. it was in the middel of the dry season.
For many weeks no rain had fallen, so the littel creeks where the small animals usd to drink had dried up.
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Vocabulary Excercise, Chapter 12: Issumboshi
Penulis | : | Niken Bestari |
Editor | : | Iveta Rahmalia |