- Imperative sentence atau imperative speech banyak muncul dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Sehingga, imperative sentence ini umumnya akan muncul dalam ujian atau tes kompetensi Bahasa Inggris untuk menguji kemampuan speaking kita.
Imperative sentence berisi kalimat untuk menyuruh, meminta, memerintah, dan memberikan petunjuk kepada lawan bicara agar melakukan sesuatu.
Kalimat imperatif dapat dikategorikan sebagai 3 jenis yaitu: command (perintah), request (permintaan), dan direction (petunjuk).
Imperative sentence atau kalimat perintah ini memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:
- Berisi perintah
- Memakai kata kerja pertama (verb 1)
- Tidak memakai subjek
Untuk memahami imperative sentence, kita perhatikan contoh dialog imperative sentence berikut ini, yuk!
Contoh Dialog Imperative Sentence
Dialog 1
Mother: Tasya, go to the kiosk and buy me ground pepper and soy sauce.
Tasha: Fine. Where's the money, mom?
Mother: Take the money from my wallet in the room.
Tasya: Okay.
Baca Juga: 4 Tipe Conditional Sentence dan Contoh Kalimatnya dalam Bahasa Inggris
Dialog 2
Uncle : What do you want to do after graduation?
Fendi: I want to go to my favorite junior high school.
Uncle: Study hard! Never waste time playing too much on your phone!
Fendi : I understand, uncle.
Dialog 3
Father : Badu, help me to wash the car.
Badu : We'll do it later, dad.
Father: No, we will do it now. Stop playing on the phone and help me prepare the bucket and water hose, please.
Badu : Well... buy me some ice cream after helping out.
Father: If you are so diligent to help, I will buy it for you. Okay?
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Practice 1: Make One Sentence From Two, Unit 3: Fantasy, Kurikulum Merdeka
Dialog 4
Tata: Close the window, please?
Aswin: Of course. Are you cold?
Tata: Yes, I feel very cold. I want to make hot tea. You want one?
Aswin: Yes. Make one for me. Thank you!
Dialog 5
Guide: Never pass through this area without a guide.
Guest: What will happen?
Guide: Many tourists get lost in the area. Turn north when you see a cross sign, it means "no passing".
Guest: Fine, I understand. Please provide any other information we as tourists should know.
Guide: Do not swim in the river, because it is very dangerous. Then, put on a waterproof coat as you pass the falls. Most importantly, don't feed the wild monkeys.
Teman-teman, itulah contoh dialog imperative sentence.
Baca Juga: Jenis-Jenis Imperative Sentence dan Penggunaannya dalam Kalimat
Kuis! |
Apa ciri-ciri imperative sentence? |
Petunjuk: cek di halaman 1! |
Lihat juga video ini, yuk!
Ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang pengetahuan seru lainnya, dongeng fantasi, cerita bergambar, cerita misteri, dan cerita lainnya? Teman-teman bisa berlangganan Majalah Bobo.
Untuk berlangganan, teman-teman bisa mengunjungi
Source | : | Grammarly,Bobo |
Penulis | : | Niken Bestari |
Editor | : | Sarah Nafisah |