- Berikut ini jawaban Activity 7 dan 8 bagian Listening halaman 23 buku bahasa Inggris kelas XI kurikulum Merdeka.
Activity 7 dan 8 bagian Listening halaman 23 ini berisikan materi mengenai legend atau legenda.
Legenda adalah cerita rakyat yang seringkali mengandung unsur-unsur fantasi atau mitologi.
Ini biasanya menceritakan tentang peristiwa atau tokoh-tokoh yang dianggap penting atau memiliki nilai simbolis dalam suatu kebudayaan atau masyarakat tertentu.
Legenda seringkali disampaikan secara lisan dari generasi ke generasi, dan dapat dianggap sebagai bagian dari warisan budaya yang penting bagi suatu bangsa atau negara.
Beberapa legenda terkenal yang masih populer hingga saat ini adalah legenda King Arthur, legenda Roro Jonggrang, dan legenda Atlantis.
Untuk mempelajari banyak kosakata dan latihan listening, bukalah halaman 17-19 dan bacalah teks legenda di sana, ya!
Kita akan mengerjakan soal Activity 7 dan Activity 8 di halaman 23.
Jawaban Soal Activity 7 dan Activity 8 Halaman 23
Activity 7
Now, let’s identify the series of events unfolded in the legend you have listened to. List the events according to parts of the story.
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Activity 3 dan 4 Bagian Listening, Unit 1: Legend, Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut
Look at the examples.
- There lived poor mother and her three daughters.
- Two older daughters were lazy, while the youngest was dilligent.
- The mother got a severe pain.
- A shaman told them to seek magic flower in the mountain guarded by a dragon.
- Two older daughters did not want to seek the flower, but the youngest was eager to seek it.
- The youngest daughter made a deal with the dragon.
- The dragon gave the flower to the girl, but she had to come back to live with the dragon in the mountain after her mother was recovered.
- The girl was unwilling to go, but she made a promise.
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Activity 7 dan 8, Unit 1: Legend, Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut
- The girl did not find the dragon, she found a prince instead. He was cursed to be a dragon.
- The sister of the girl came to the mountain and they were jealous of her youngest sibling living with handsome man.
- So the older sisters hide the snake skin of the cursed prince.
- The prince could not find his snake skin but he thanked the youngest daughter.
- The curse was broken. So the prince and the girl married and live happily ever after.
Activity 8
Work in pairs. Discuss these questions: Imagine that you are the youngest daughter in the a legend of N’daung snake, would you also return to the top of the mountain and stay with the
snake? What is the reason of your choice? You can write down your answer below or discuss it with a partner. Remember to respect each other’s answer!
The promise is a promise. The youngest girl did the right thing to fulfill her promise to the dragon.
Is she did not come back to the dragon, she would not find out that the dragon was actually the prince who had been cursed.
Teman-teman, itulah jawaban dari Activity 7 dan 8 bahasa Inggris kelas XI. Semoga membantu!
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Activity 4, Unit 1: Legend, Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut
Kuis! |
Apa itu legenda? |
Petunjuk: cek di halaman 1! |
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Penulis | : | Niken Bestari |
Editor | : | Iveta Rahmalia |