- Teman-teman, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita seringkali perlu menyampaikan kembali perkataan seseorang.
Misalnya, saat guru meminta menyampaikan pada teman sekelasmu untuk berkumpul di lapangan.
Atau saat kakak meminta kita menyampaikan pada orang tua kalau ia akan pulang terlambat nanti sore.
Dalam bahasa Indonesia kita mengenal kutipan langsung dan tidak langsung, lalu bagaimana dalam bahasa Inggris?
Di bahasa Inggris istilah itu dikenal dengan direct speech and indirect speech.
Direct speech adalah kalimat yang menyampaikan perkataan seseorang persis seperti yang diucapkannya.
Ciri khasnya adalah penggunaan tanda kutip ("..."). Tidak ada perubahan tenses dalam kalimat langsung.
Sedangkan indirect speech adalah menyampaikan perkataan seseorang dengan bahasa kita sendiri.
Biasanya tanda kutip dihilangkan dan terjadi perubahan tenses serta kata ganti.
Agar lebih mudah memahaminya, kita pelajari terlebih dahulu kalimat direct speech and indirect speech melalui contoh kalimatnya, yuk!
25 Contoh Kalimat Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
Baca Juga: Apa Itu Kalimat Passive Voice Simple Present Tense? Ini Penjelasan Lengkap dan Contohnya
1. Direct speech: "I am happy," Ria said.
Indirect speech: Ria said that she was happy.
2. Direct speech: "Where are you going?" he asked.
Indirect speech: He asked where I was going.
3. Direct speech: "Can you help me?" Kayla asked.
Indirect speech: Kayla asked if I could help her.
4. Direct speech: "I will call you later," Ronan said.
Indirect speech: Ronan said that he would call me later.
5. Direct speech: "Did you see the movie?" he asked.
Indirect speech: He asked whether I had seen the movie.
6. Direct speech: "I have been to Paris," Sella said.
Baca Juga: Materi Bahasa Inggris, Contoh Kalimat Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
Indirect speech: Sella said that she had been to Paris.
7. Direct speech: "Why are you here?" he asked.
Indirect speech: He asked why I was there.
8. Direct speech: "Are you coming with us?" she asked.
Indirect speech: She asked if I was coming with them.
9. Direct speech: "When will you arrive?" My mom asked.
Indirect speech: My mom asked when I would arrive.
11. Direct speech: "Do you like milk?" he asked.
Indirect speech: He asked whether I liked milk.
12. Direct speech: "I am reading a book," she said.
Indirect speech: She said that she was reading a book.
Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Kalimat Showing Appreciation to Others, Materi Bahasa Inggris
13. Direct speech: "Is it raining?" Ken asked.
Indirect speech: Ken asked if it was raining.
14. Direct speech: "Can I borrow your pen?" he asked.
Indirect speech: He asked if he could borrow my pen.
15. Direct speech: "I will be back soon!" she shouted.
Indirect speech: She shouted that she would be back soon.
16. Direct speech: "I have finished my homework," Radi said.
Indirect speech: Radi said that he had finished his work.
16. Direct speech: Nessy said, "My mother is scary when she is angry."
Indirect speech: Nessy said that her mother was scary when she was angry.
17. Direct speech: "The weather is hot." Kiana reported.
Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Kalimat dengan Kata Berantonim, Materi Bahasa Indonesia
Indirect speech: Kiana reported tha the weather is hot.
18. Direct speech: My dad told me, "I make tea for your mom".
Indirect speech: My father told me that he made tea for my mom.
19. Direct speech: "Did you go to school today?" he asked.
Indirect speech: He asked whether I had gone to school that day.
20. Direct speech: "Where did you buy that hat?" he asked.
Indirect speech: He asked where I had bought that hat.
21. Direct speech: "Did you sleep well?" my mom asked.
Indirect speech: My mom asked whether I had slept well.
22. Direct speech: "Why are you laughing?" Pila asked.
Indirect speech: Pila asked why I was laughing.
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23. Direct speech: "I can't find my watch!" my sister said to me.
Indirect speech: My sister said to me that she couldn't find her watch.
24. Direct speech: "I have lost my keys," Daddy said.
Indirect speech: Daddy said that he had lost his keys.
25. Direct speech: Jacob whispers, "I forget to bring my lunch."
Indirect speech: Jacob whispers that he forgot to bring his homework.
Tonton video ini, yuk!
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Penulis | : | Sarah Nafisah |
Editor | : | Sarah Nafisah |