- If you want to go to the store, buy me some snacks!
E. To Show a Dream
- I will travelling the world, if I have a lot of money.
- If I have a lot of money, I will build my dream house.
- If he become a singer, he will perform in a world tour.
- If I get the pocket money from Mom, I will share it with you.
- I will go with my parents, if I win the holiday tickets.
Itulah contoh kalimat menggunakan if clause dengan kelima pattern.
Teman-teman harus banyak berlatih, ya!
Baca Juga: Memahami Fungsi Logika IF, AND, OR, dan NOT pada Microsoft Excel
Kuis! |
Berikan contoh kalimat if clause reminder! |
Petunjuk: Cek halaman 2! |
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