Contoh Kalimat If Clause sebagai Reminder, Suggestion, General Truth, Imperative, dan Dream

By Niken Bestari, Senin, 12 September 2022 | 19:30 WIB
Beirkut ini adalah contoh kalimat if clause dalam 5 konteks: reminder, suggestion, general truth, imperative, dan to show a dream. (Freepik) - Dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, teman-teman akan belajar kalimat if clause yang berguna untuk membentuk conditional sentence atau kalimat pengandaian.

Teman-teman sudah belajar tipe-tipe if clause, yaitu:

- If Clause Zero Condition- If Clause First Condition- If Clause Second Condition- If Clause Third Condition.

Kalimat if clause memiliki pattern / pola adalah sesuai dengan tujuan kalimatnya, yaitu:

1. Reminder / pengingat.

2. Suggestion / saran

3. General truth / kebenaran umum

4. An imperative / perintah

5. To show a dream / pengandaian

Contoh Kalimat

Berikut ini adalah contoh kalimat dari pattern if clause:

Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Kalimat If Clause Bahasa Inggris Beserta Pattern dan Artinya

A. Reminder

- If you want to be successfull, you have to study.

- You have to be patient, if you want to be good person.

- You have to get excercise, if you want to lose fat.

- If she wants to help, she can come.

- If he wants to come, he will call you.

B. Suggestion

- You should get hurry, if you don't want to miss the train.

- You should call your parent, if you don't want to make them worry.

- If you want to make a friend noodle, you should check the gas first.

- If you want to go now, you should order a taxi.

 Baca Juga: Contoh If Clause Sebagai Suggestion, General Truth, Imperative, dan To Show A Dream

- You should pick this dress, if you want to look better.

C. General Truth

- If your age is 17 years old, you will get Indonesian citizen card.

- Your skin will get irritated, if you don't use this lotion.

- Mom will get angry, if we don't wash our dishes.

- If you don't drink enough water, you will dehydrated.

- If you don't wear jacket during a windy days, you will get a cold.

D. Imperative

- Don't forget to wash your socks, if you doing chores!

- If you don't want to be late, get ready soon!

- If you don't want to get wet, get an umbrella!

 Baca Juga: Tipe-Tipe If Clause Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Contoh Kalimat dan Artinya

- If you want to know him better, introduce yourself!

- If you want to go to the store, buy me some snacks!

E. To Show a Dream

- I will travelling the world, if I have a lot of money.

- If I have a lot of money, I will build my dream house.

- If he become a singer, he will perform in a world tour.

- If I get the pocket money from Mom, I will share it with you.

- I will go with my parents, if I win the holiday tickets.

Itulah contoh kalimat menggunakan if clause dengan kelima pattern.

Teman-teman harus banyak berlatih, ya!

 Baca Juga: Memahami Fungsi Logika IF, AND, OR, dan NOT pada Microsoft Excel



Berikan contoh kalimat if clause reminder!

Petunjuk: Cek halaman 2!

Tonton video ini juga, yuk!


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