Cari Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Progress Check 1 tentang 'Text 1: Sinta's Favorite'

By Fransiska Viola Gina, Rabu, 5 Oktober 2022 | 13:00 WIB
Menjawab soal bahasa Inggris, progress check text 1. (freepik/stories)

3. What is a type of sports that is similar to Sinta's hobby?

a. Tennis.

b. Volleyball.

c. Basketball.

d. Archery.

4. What things do Sinta and Ibu Posma always bring to play badminton?

a. Balls and rackets.

b. Shuttlecocks and boards.

c. Shuttlecocks and rackets. 

d. Balls and boards.

5. How many times do Sinta and Ibu Posma play badminton?

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