Cari Jawaban Soal Vocabulary Excercise Task 2, Chapter 8: My Idol

By Niken Bestari, Minggu, 20 November 2022 | 09:15 WIB
Berikut jawaban soal Vocabulary Excercise Task 2 halaman 113, Chapter 9 My Idol, Bahasa Inggris kelas 10.
Berikut jawaban soal Vocabulary Excercise Task 2 halaman 113, Chapter 9 My Idol, Bahasa Inggris kelas 10. (Freepik)

- excited: heboh; gembira

- friendly: ramah

- hit by lightning: terkejut

- nervous: gugup

- showed up: datang; menunjukkan diri; muncul

- sing along: bernyanyi bersama; beriringan

- speechless: tidak bisa berkata-kata

Jawaban Soal Vocabulary Excercise Task 2

Kemudian, kita akan menggunakan vocabulary di atas untuk mengisi soal isian berikut ini.

Task 2: Use the words in the box again to complete the sentences reflecting other contexts.

1. One of the reasons why I like to study in this class is because all my classmates are friendly. They are always nice to me.

Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Reading Teks 'Meeting My Idol', Chapter 8: My Idol