- Pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris kelas 10, kita akan menemukan Chapter 8: My Idol.
Di dalam Chapter 8, kita akan belajar memahami dan menelaah bacaan berupa teks deskriptif, naratif, hingga recount text.
Selain itu, kita juga belajar mengenai kosakata baru bahasa Inggris atau vocabulary excercise.
Nah, sekarang kita akan mempelajari materi vocabulary excercise halaman 112.
Ada kosakata atau vocabulary baru di halaman tersebut beserta soal-soal latihan vocabulary excercise Task 2 halaman 113.
Yuk, kita bahas bersama-sama. Oia, jangan lupa untuk mendiskusikan jawabannya dengan guru dan teman-teman yang lain, ya!
Mencari Arti Vocabulary Baru
Berikut ini adalah vocabulary baru yang harus kita temukan artinya:
- amazing: mengagumkan
- autograph: tanda tangan
- crowd: kerumunan manusia
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Vocabulary Excercise Task 1, Chapter 8: My Idol
- excited: heboh; gembira
- friendly: ramah
- hit by lightning: terkejut
- nervous: gugup
- showed up: datang; menunjukkan diri; muncul
- sing along: bernyanyi bersama; beriringan
- speechless: tidak bisa berkata-kata
Jawaban Soal Vocabulary Excercise Task 2
Kemudian, kita akan menggunakan vocabulary di atas untuk mengisi soal isian berikut ini.
Task 2: Use the words in the box again to complete the sentences reflecting other contexts.
1. One of the reasons why I like to study in this class is because all my classmates are friendly. They are always nice to me.
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Reading Teks 'Meeting My Idol', Chapter 8: My Idol
2. I was surprised when a big birthday cake suddenly showed up from under the table. It has been hidden there for my surprise birthday party.
3. The police formed a line in front of the stage to avoid the crowd from climbing up the stage.
4. Today, we have to present our paper in front of the class. I’m very nervous.
5. On the weekends, my family and I like to spend our time doing karaoke at home. We sing along with the singer on the DVD screen. It’s fun.
6. The students were very excited when the teacher announced that they were going to have an excursion to the local public library.
7. I really want to have an autograph of my favorite football player, Lionel Messi, on my jersey.
8. When we arrived at the top of the mountain, we were speechless, The scenery was magnificent.
9. I was hit by lightning when I knew that my dad gave me a new laptop for my birthday.
10.Afgan is an amazing singer. His songs are always a hit.
Teman-teman, itulah jawaban untuk soal isian di halaman 113.
Semoga membantu.
Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Writing Hasil Interview, Chapter 7: The Wright Brothers
Kuis! |
Apa arti dari crowd? |
Petunjuk: cek di halaman 1! |
Lihat juga video ini, yuk!
Ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang sains, dongeng fantasi, cerita misteri, dan dunia satwa? Teman-teman bisa berlangganan Majalah Bobo dan Mombi SD.
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