Cari Jawaban Soal Reading Task 1-5, Chapter 2: Congratulating and Complimenting Others

By Niken Bestari, Senin, 5 Desember 2022 | 13:15 WIB
Berikut jawaban soal Reading Task 1-5 halaman 23-25, Chapter 2: Congratulating and Complimenting Others, Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 kurikulum 2013.
Berikut jawaban soal Reading Task 1-5 halaman 23-25, Chapter 2: Congratulating and Complimenting Others, Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 kurikulum 2013. (Freepik) - Teman-teman, berikut ini adalah jawaban soal Reading Task 1-5, halaman 23-25 buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 kurikulum 2013 terbitan Kemendikbud.

Soal Reading di atas termasuk pada Chapter 2: Congratulating and Complimenting Others.

Pada Chapter ini kita belajar mengenai ekspresi untuk memberikan ucapan selamat dan pujian pada orang lain.

Kita bisa membuka contoh teks mengenai Congratulating and Complimenting Others di halaman 23.

Yuk, kita baca bersama-sama dan kita bahas jawaban soalnya. Oia, jangan lupa berdiskusi denan guru dan teman yang lain, ya!

Jawaban Soal Reading Task 1-Task 5

Read text 1 carefully. Pay attention to the expressions used to congratulate people (in this case, Alif). Pay attention also to the responses.

Text 1: After a long struggle and hard work, Alif is finally appointed as the director of a national company where he works. Many of his friends who work at the same company congratulate him.

Samuel : Alif, congratulations. You deserved it, Man.

Alif : Thank you very much. This is because you always help me.

Sinta : I am very happy for you, Alif. Now, that you are the director of the company, I believe the company will develop even faster.

Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Soal Reading Task 2, Chapter 1: Talk About Yourself