Cari Jawaban Soal Reading Task 1-5, Chapter 2: Congratulating and Complimenting Others

By Niken Bestari, Senin, 5 Desember 2022 | 13:15 WIB
Berikut jawaban soal Reading Task 1-5 halaman 23-25, Chapter 2: Congratulating and Complimenting Others, Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 kurikulum 2013. (Freepik)

Eny : Please accept my warmest congratulations, Sir.

Alif : It’s very kind of you to say so. Thank you.

Bintari : I must congratulate you on your success.

Alif : Thank you very much for saying so.

They all celebrate Alif’s success by having lunch together in a simple food stall next to their office. Every body is happy.

Task 2: Answer the following questions.

1. Why do all of those people congratulate Alif?Answer: Because Alif had long struggled and worked hard for his job.

2. What expressions do they use to congratulate Alif?Answer: Congratulating and complimenting others.

3. How does Alif respond to their congratulating expressions?Answer: He responded positively and say thank you.

4. What is the social purpose of congratulating people?Answer: To give the appreciation to people.

5. When do we congratulate people?Answer: When people sucessfully reach or have something they have been worked or wished for.

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