Cari Jawaban Soal Reading Task 1-5, Chapter 2: Congratulating and Complimenting Others

By Niken Bestari, Senin, 5 Desember 2022 | 13:15 WIB
Berikut jawaban soal Reading Task 1-5 halaman 23-25, Chapter 2: Congratulating and Complimenting Others, Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 kurikulum 2013. (Freepik)

Cita : Thanks. I’ll do my best. Wish me luck.

Task 4: Answer the following questions:

1. What good news about Cita does Ditto know?Answer: Cita has won the first winner of the story telling competition in her school

2. What does Ditto say to Cita related to the news?Answer: Cita, congratulations for being the first winner of the school story telling competition! Excellent. You really did it well.

3. What do the expressions mean?Answer: Congratulating and complimenting others.

4. What is Ditto’s purpose of saying that to Cita?Answer: To appreciate Cita academic performance.

5. How does Cita respond to what Ditto says?Answer: Cita said thank you and appreciated Dito congratulating her.

6. When do you think you will say ‘congratulations’ to other people?Answer: When people sucessfully reach or have something they have been worked or wished for.

Task 5: Complete the following table with the expressions of congratulations and the responses you find in the preceding dialogs. The first row is done for you.

Congratulating Expressions:- Congratulations! You deserved it, Man.- You must proud of yourself!- You have done very well!- I am happy with what you get, congratulations!- You worked so hard! You deserved this!- Congatulation on your success!- You have done so well to get all of this!- Congrats! You have done well!- That's wonderful that you can do this far!

Responses- Thank you very much. Your support means a lot.- Thank you! I appreciate it!- Thank you so much!- Thank you so much. I will never be this far without your support.- Your appreciations and supports are everything, thank you!- You always support me. Thanks!- Million thanks to you. I appreciate it!- Thanks for your support!- Thanks for your help!

Sumber: Widiati, Utami; Zuliati Rohmah; dan Furaidah. 2017. Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas X. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Reading Comprehension Task 4: Doing Verb and Thinking Verb, Chapter 12: Issumboshi



Apa arti dari congratulating and complimenting others?

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