6 Contoh Spoof Text Bahasa Inggris beserta Struktur dan Artinya

By Niken Bestari, Senin, 17 April 2023 | 11:30 WIB
Bagaimana cara menulis spoof text? (Freepik)

4. Coda: Bagian ini adalah bagian penutup dari teks yang berisi pesan atau kesimpulan tentang cerita yang disampaikan.

Contoh Spoof Text

Contoh 1: The Ultimate Diet Plan

Orientation: If you're looking for a quick and easy way to lose weight, look no further! Our new diet plan promises to help you shed those extra pounds in just one week.

Events: The diet plan is simple: eat nothing but cotton balls soaked in orange juice. That's right, cotton balls! The high fiber content will keep you feeling full all day, and the vitamin C in the orange juice will help you stay healthy.

Twist: Unfortunately, after just one day on the diet, our test subjects started experiencing some unexpected side effects. Turns out, eating cotton balls is not a good idea! Our subjects reported feeling bloated, constipated, and even started coughing up bits of cotton.

Coda: Needless to say, our ultimate diet plan was a complete failure. We do not recommend anyone try this at home, and we apologize to anyone who was foolish enough to believe it might actually work. Remember, there are no shortcuts to losing weight – it takes hard work and dedication to achieve your goals.

Contoh 2: a Revolutionary Feature

Orientation: Apple has just announced the release of their latest iPhone model, and it comes with a feature that will change the way we use our phones forever.

Events: The new iPhone has a built-in teleportation device! That's right, you can now teleport yourself to any location in the world simply by selecting it on your phone's map and hitting the "teleport" button. No more waiting in traffic or sitting on a cramped airplane for hours!

Twist: Of course, there are a few kinks that still need to be worked out. During our tests, some users ended up getting teleported to the wrong location, while others got stuck in walls or teleported halfway underground.

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