- Materi Bahasa Inggris 'Things at Park' atau Benda-benda di Taman ini akan sering muncul dan diulas di soal ujian, lo.
Teman-teman sudah memelajari kosakata benda-benda yang bisa kalian temukan di taman beserta belajar contoh kalimat dan dialognya.
Sekarang, kita kerjakan soal latihan Bahasa Inggris 'Things at Park' bersama-sama, yuk!
Contoh Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris 'Things at Park'
Look at this picture to answer question 1-5!
1. What is the thing you can find in the picture?
A. Swings B. Sandbox C. Children D. Bicycle
2. What is the thing you can NOT found in the picture?
A. Swings B. Trees C. Children D. Bench
3. How many trees in the picture?
A. Zero B. One C. Two D. Three
4. How many swings in the picture?
A. Zero B. One C. Two D. Three
5. How many tables in the picture?
A. Zero B. One C. Two D. Three
Read this paragraf below to answer question 6-8!
Every Saturday and Sunday, Fiona and Lita cycle together to the park. Arriving at the park, they will play swing and seesaw. Then Fiona and Lita bought delicious ice cream near the park.
6. On what days do Fiona and Lita cycle together to the park?
A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Saturday and Sunday D. Sunday and Monday
7. What Fiona and Lita do in the park?
A. Play swing and slide B. Play swing and seesaw C. Play sandbox and slide D. Play seesaw and slide
Baca Juga: Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Tema 'Fruits' Beserta Pembahasan
8. What 'Seesaw' means in Bahasa Indonesia?
A. Jungkat-jungkit B. Perosotan C. Ayunan D. Kotak pasir
9. You can NOT find ... at the park.
A. Flower B. Fountain C. Bench D. Sofa
10. At the park, people can do outdoor activities, EXCEPT...
A. Jogging B. Bicycling C. Picnic D. Sleeping
Jawaban Contoh Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris 'Things at Park'
1. A. Swings
2. C. Children
3. D. Three
4. C. Two
5. B. One
Baca Juga: Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Tema 'Shopping' Beserta Pembahasan
6. C. Saturday and Sunday
7. B. Play swing and seesaw
8. A. Jungkat-jungkit
9. D. Sofa
10. D. Sleeping
Itulah contoh soal latihan materi Bahasa Inggris tema 'Things at Park'.
Sambil mengerjakannya, teman-teman bisa membuka catatan untuk kosakata benda-benda yang bisa kita temukan di taman.
Kerjakan soal sebisa mungkin dulu.
Setelah itu, periksalah jawaban teman-teman berdasarkan pembahasan di atas.
Tonton video ini juga, yuk!
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Source | : | Cambridge Dictionary |
Penulis | : | Niken Bestari |
Editor | : | Sarah Nafisah |