It was now five o'clock and Mrs. Wilson said it was time for her to go home. She put on her hat, coat and gloves and Mrs. Smith put the dead Sammy into a shopping bag. Mrs. Wilson took the shopping bag and walked to the bus stop. She waited a long time for the bus so she bought a newspaper. When the bus arrived, she got on the bus, sat down and put the shopping bag on the floor beside her feet. She then began to read the newspaper. When the bus arrived at her bus stop, she got off the bus and walked for about two minutes. Suddenly she remembered she had left the shopping bag on the bus.
Dua Saudara Perempuan dan Kucing
Nyonya Wilson dan Nyonya Smith adalah saudara perempuan. Mrs Wilson tinggal di sebuah rumah di Duncan dan Mrs Smith tinggal di sebuah kondominium di Victoria. Suatu hari Nyonya Wilson mengunjungi saudara perempuannya. Ketika saudara perempuannya membukakan pintu, Nyonya Wilson melihat air mata di matanya. "Apa masalahnya?" dia bertanya. Nyonya Smith berkata "Kucing saya Sammy meninggal tadi malam dan saya tidak punya tempat untuk menguburkannya".
Dia mulai menangis lagi. Nyonya Wilson sangat sedih karena dia tahu kakaknya sangat mencintai kucing itu. Tiba-tiba Mrs. Wilson berkata "Saya bisa mengubur kucing Anda di kebun saya di Duncan dan Anda bisa datang dan mengunjunginya kadang-kadang." Nyonya Smith berhenti menangis dan kedua saudara perempuan itu minum teh bersama.
Sekarang sudah jam lima dan Mrs. Wilson berkata sudah waktunya dia pulang. Dia mengenakan topi, mantel, dan sarung tangannya dan Mrs. Smith memasukkan Sammy yang sudah mati ke dalam tas belanja. Mrs Wilson mengambil tas belanja dan berjalan ke halte bus. Dia menunggu lama untuk bus jadi dia membeli koran. Ketika bus tiba, dia naik bus, duduk dan meletakkan tas belanja di lantai di samping kakinya. Dia kemudian mulai membaca koran. Ketika bus tiba di halte, dia turun dari bus dan berjalan sekitar dua menit. Tiba-tiba dia ingat dia telah meninggalkan tas belanja di bus.
Contoh Narrative Text 2: The Magic Candle
One day, a young wandered got lost in the wood. Suddenly, he saw a light from an old hut. He knocked on the door, and an old woman opened it. She was crying. She said that a devil had stolen her magic candle. The candle could grand anything she asked. The wandered asked her where the devil lived. “In a castle not far from here“, said the woman.
The wandered went to the castle. There he found the devil, but he was old and weak. Therefore, when the wandered grabbed the magic candle from the devil’s table and run away, he couldn’t chase him. However the wandered was not a kind man. He didn’t return the candle to the old woman, but keep it for himself. He lit the candle and made a wish, I want to go far from here. “
Suddenly, a genie appeared and took him to a beautiful palace. There was a party in the palace. The wandered wanted to make some money. So, he lit the candle again and wished some jewelry. He sold them to the quest and was soon making a lot of money. Then a princess came to buy some jewelry but there was nothing left. The wandered fell in love with her and asked her to marry him. The kind princess said yes, and they got married the next day.
In his happiness, the wandered told the princess about his adventure and the magic candle. Hearing that, the princess got very angry. At night, she lit the candle and wished the wandered disappeared. In the morning, the wandered awoke and found himself back in his ugly house in the village.
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Penulis | : | Niken Bestari |
Editor | : | Iveta Rahmalia |