Kita bahas masing-masing contoh if clause sesuai tujuan di atas, ya!
1. If clause + reminder
Contoh if clause + reminder adalah:
- If you want to pass the exam, you have to study hard.
- If you want to be healthy, you have to exercise.
- If you want to wake up earlier in the morning, you have to sleep earlier at night.
- If you want yourself proud, you have to be a winner.
Baca Juga: Membuat Dialog Offering Help, Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Kurikulum 2013
2. If clause + suggestion
Contoh kalimat if clause + suggestion adalah:
- If you don't want to get sick, you should take some rest.
- If you don't want to miss the bus, you should leave home earlier.
Majalah Bobo Edisi Bundling 52 dan 53 Sudah Terbit, Ada Ucapan Manis untuk Hari Raya Idulfitri!
Penulis | : | Niken Bestari |
Editor | : | Iveta Rahmalia |